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All matchups will be uploaded to our YouTube page for public viewing.


We hope to have a local newspaper that people can view that will display results and future news of cards or matchups.


Use twitter and Instagram for postings of events, results and more.


Work with business to use phones news app to display highlights, results, upcoming cards and more.

So I bet your wondering how it will work. Allow me to explain .Each card will consist of a 8 matchups at the least up to 16. There will be a form to be filled out AFTER your payment to play has been received. For each match up you will choose who you think will be the winner. At the end of all the matchups the person or people with the most wins will when the pot for that week. Now this is more of a fun activity I will be looking to make these on a weekly basis and for a set amount for longevity. As the business grows so will the prize pools and the prizes.

Basketball will be between 1v1 Blacktop games and 5v5 team games.
Baseball will be team games.
Boxing will be 1v1 bouts.
Soccer will be team games.
Tennis will be 1v1 games.
Wrestling will be 1v1 and team based.
MMA will be 1v1 bouts.


Now to add a special twist to Boxing, Basketball, MMA, Tennis and Wrestling there will be a buy in option via monthly membership. Payments for memberships will go towards prize pools for each card. To explain in short for a certain amount you will be able to recruit your "own" contender to compete in the simulations as opposed to an already established contender. These contenders also will be able to play in tournaments to become champions. In the future I hope to have a variety of prizes to give to those who win these events. In the future I also hope to have a general title belt design to award champions of events. There will also be an option for team based matchups to buy-in on a team. This option only pays out if your team wins a season championship. Once the details are ironed out, a form and price for this will be available on the site.


These forms will only be given to those that pay for this option. All contender stats will be equal to make sure everyone has an even chance. There also will be ways to upgrade your contenders stats via payments, membership perks and other random ways that will be on the site. Stats will only be upgradable every so often if not once a month.


Matchups will be recorded and uploaded to the website via YouTube. There will be a page for champions for each sport and their managers. Champions and their records will be displayed also. There will be an option to buy a title fight if you feel your contender(s) are tough enough to win. Each manager will be able to buy-in for a title shot once per month to avoid people paying for multiple rematches in which will take a chance away from another manager to buy in. To start off managers will only be able to buy 1 contender until the format of how things will work is set in stone. I want to allow people to have a stable of contenders which may vary from sport to sport. For example, a manager may be able to buy a gym and multiple fighters in boxing , mma or wrestling but may only be able to buy 1 team in other sports. Contender buy-ins on teams will only win prizes when the team they play for win a championship. I am currently working on pricing details.


Basketball-Buy a team (for a tournament or season) | Buy a player.
Baseball-Buy a team (for a tournament or season) | Buy a player.
Boxing-Buy a GYM/Start (starts with 0 fighters | Buy a Fighter.
Soccer-Buy a team (for a tournament or season) | Buy a player.
Tennis-Buy a player.
Wrestling-Buy/Start a team (for a tournament) | Buy a Wrestler.
MMA- Buy/Start a stable (for a tournament) | Buy a Fighter.




Plastic- For those just want to only compete in weekly card. $1k/card
Bronze- Play in cards with the option to have 1 custom contender. $2k/Month
Silver- Play in cards with the option to own 1 gym and 1 custom contender. $3k/Month
Gold- Play in cards with the option to own 1 gym, 2 contenders and 1 team (for tournaments). $4k/Month
Platinum- Play in cards with the option to own 1 gym, 3 contenders and 1 team (for tournaments + seasons). $5k/Month
Vibranium- Play in cards with the option to own 1 gym, 4 contenders and 1 team ( for tournaments + seasons). $6k/Month


Upgrades will cost 5K= 1 upgrade in 1 stat. Price is what it is to make it still fairly even during fights to prevent mass updating & is only available once a month. This goes for fighters and gyms.


If your purchase a membership with multiple contenders, they can be divided between sports. So if you purchase a platinum package your 3 contenders can be used for 3 different sports.


Tournaments will be first come first serve for spots. Tournaments will be either 8, 16 or 32 entrants.


Members can request their matchup videos.


The Numbers?

5k starting pot (my own money)
1k added for each person that plays that week. Money will be added to the pot.
Winnings to person or people who win with the most amount of picks right.
5k (pot) + 10k (10 ppl entered)= 15k for winner. Breakdown for 1 winner to 5 winners below.

1.    15,000
2.    7,500
3.    5,000
4.    3,750
5.    3,000


As interest grows and more people play prize pools will increase.


Information needed for membership will include the following:
⦁    Full Name
⦁    Citizen ID
⦁    Number
⦁    Email
⦁    Sports of participation

If your the only participant in a certain sport then the pots are yours to win if your contender wins.


Single Elimination

Sample Bracket 2 (2).png
Bracket Sample (2).png

Double Elimination

Sample Bracket 4 (2).png
Sample Bracket 3 (2).png

Group Stage

sample bracket 6 (2).png
Screenshot 2022-12-14 192915.png

Round Robin

same bracket 5 (2).png
Screenshot 2022-12-14 192854.png


Entry Price for Non-Members:        $7,000
Entry Price for Members:               $5,000

All entry money goes towards the prize pool.

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